

Command-line arguments
$ python -m digideep.main --help
usage: [-h] [--load-checkpoint <path>] [--play]
                [--session-path <path>] [--save-modules <path> [<path> ...]]
                [--log-level <n>] [--visdom] [--visdom-port <n>]
                [--monitor-cpu] [--monitor-gpu] [--params <name>]
                [--cpanel <json dictionary>]

optional arguments:
    -h, --help            show this help message and exit
    --load-checkpoint <path>
                          Load a checkpoint to resume training from that point.
    --play                Will play the stored policy.
    --session-path <path>
                          The path to store the sessions. Default is in /tmp
    --save-modules <path> [<path> ...]
                          The modules to be stored in the session.
    --log-level <n>       The logging level: 0 (debug and above), 1 (info and
                          above), 2 (warn and above), 3 (error and above), 4
                          (fatal and above)
    --visdom              Whether to use visdom or not!
    --visdom-port <n>     The port of visdom server, it's on 8097 by default.
    --monitor-cpu         Use to monitor CPU resource statistics on Visdom.
    --monitor-gpu         Use to monitor GPU resource statistics on Visdom.
    --params <name>       Choose the parameter set.
    --cpanel <json dictionary>
                          Set the parameters of the cpanel by a json dictionary.
Example Usage
# Start a training session for a MuJoCo environment using DDPG
# Default environment is "Pendulum-v0"
python -m digideep.main --params digideep.params.classic_ddpg

# Start a training session for an Atari environment using PPO
# Default environment is "PongNoFrameskip-v4"
python -m digideep.main --params digideep.params.atari_ppo

# Start a training session for a MuJoCo environment using PPO
# Default environment is "Ant-v2"
python -m digideep.main --params digideep.params.mujoco_ppo

# Change the parameters in command-line
python -m digideep.main --params digideep.params.mujoco_ppo \
    --cpanel '{"model_name":"DMBenchCheetahRun-v0", "from_module":"digideep.environment.dmc2gym"}'

python -m digideep.main --params digideep.params.mujoco_ppo \
    --cpanel '{"model_name":"DMBenchCheetahRun-v0", "from_module":"digideep.environment.dmc2gym", "recurrent":True}'
Loading a checkpoint to play
# Typical loading
python -m digideep.main --play --load-checkpoint "<path-to-checkpoint>"

# Loading a checkpoint using its saved modules (through --save-modules option)
PYTHONPATH="<path-to-session>/modules" python -m digideep.main --play --load-checkpoint "<path-to-checkpoint>"

Playing for Debugging

Command-line arguments
$ python -m --help
usage: [-h] [--list-include [<pattern>]] [--list-exclude [<pattern>]]
              [--module <module_name>] [--model <model_name>] [--runs <n>]
              [--n-step <n>] [--delay <ms>] [--no-action]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --list-include [<pattern>]
                        List by a pattern
  --list-exclude [<pattern>]
                        List by a pattern
  --module <module_name>
                        The name of the module which will register the model
                        in use.
  --model <model_name>  The name of the model to play with random actions.
  --runs <n>            The number of times to run the simulation.
  --n-step <n>          The number of timesteps to run each episode.
  --delay <ms>          The time in milliseconds to delay in each timestep to
                        make simulation slower.
  --no-action           The number of timesteps to run each episode.
Running a model with random actions
python -m --model "Pendulum-v0"
Running a model with no actions
python -m --model "Pendulum-v0" --no-action
Running a model from another module (your custom designed environment).
python -m --model "<model-name>" --module "<module-name>"
List registered modules
python -m --list-include ".*"
python -m --list-include ".*Humanoid.*"
python -m --list-include ".*Humanoid.*" --list-exclude "DM*"